Monday, September 04, 2006

Queer Folk, the British

First off, Fell Running. This is undeniable proof that the Brits are mad. We met two fell runners after our first day of hiking - they were in their 50s-60s, had beaten us to our destination by about 2 hours, looked fresh, and had not one ounce of fat on their bones. Nothing so disheartening as to be put to shame by people twice your age on the first day of your journey.

Fell running is basically running up and down peaks. People compete in fell runs in the Lake District - in fact, they compete to see how many peaks one can run in 24 hours. The current record is 77 peaks in a 24 hour period. Sick, sick, sick.

If you think you would like to compete in this demented sport, check out the Fell Runners Association.

We came across two queer things on the way to Osmotherly. First, on a little farm lane (private access had been granted for the C2C) we began to see little signs on posts, advertising a "garden cafe" at the end of the lane. Okay, we thought. Then we saw this:
I keep getting thrown off by the odd use of parenthesese - which is the least odd thing about this. The signs continued - and now I regret not taking pictures of ALL of them. We came to the conclusion that the "cafe" was run by an eight year old out of a farm yard. We were pretty much correct.

Then there was this on the side of a road leading to a bridge:
Yes, that bucket does read "Custard: Best Eaten with Kids" and the pie tin does read "Child Pie."
The sign read: "He eats children With custard." Just to clarify. Didn't want you to think he ate them with gravy, or on the side with his parsnips. No, no, with custard. Children are really more of a dessert type food rather than a savory. I tell you.

There are many, many more things we could tell you. But why don't you read about them here, and then go visit that mad, mad land!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You crazy kids. I can't believe you survived not just the walking but the crazy Brits. I spent the summer with a crazy Brit, and I'm telling you....